
For He Who Knows

I don't want to walk this life alone
every heart must find it's home.
I see your eyes in every face
I feel you in that empty space.
At night, there's nothing I wouldn't do to get to you


Evangeline said...

sexy bum...your new lover? C'mon Nicky tell us mooooooore...

Nick said...

curiosity killed the cat lady :P

Ray's Cowboy said...

Love the picture. The peom is very true, mo one wants to be alone.


PS Is that your new lover??

badgirl33 said...

hmm did I miss anything?? I feel left out :(

Jaydog said...

I recognize this butt! And this guy is as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside, too.

Nick said...

*smiles mystically*

Rebecca said...

cute tush just want to grab it :)

Nick said...

seems this ass gets around a lot huh PML ;)

Nick said...

hands off becca LOL


Of course no one wants to be alone! But sometimes one must be content with one's own company. Many things and circumstances separate us from those we love.

Very sexy image!