
he looked like jason whatshisname. you know, the lead singer of lifehouse. laid back and confident, he was the embodiment of california cool (in direct contrast to his smouldering hotness). fucking resplendent against the nightfall and even moreso when flames from the open fire were dancing in his eyes, i liked looking at him. undoutedly a master of formulaic flirtation, he mocked my limited skills just to talk to me. i let him just to amuse myself. he asked for my number because that’s what boys like that do. he kissed me on the cheek in parting because that’s what boys like that do. i watched him walk away and presumably out of my life forever. chalked him up to a lovely distraction. a lovely distraction with a great ass.

i bet my friend a dollar he’d never call. because that’s what boys like that do.

i owe him a dollar.


Adam said...

cool music, me likes

Rebecca said...

great music i love Lifehouse and another well written poem.