
Some News

I thought I'd have more time to blog again, but work just eats me up. That’s life, try living out a suitcase 165 days a year… It sucks let me tell you. Suites in hotels, limos and first class flying are awesome but they have no comparison to being in a normal life. 

Anyway I don't wanna leave my blog without new posts again, so I have hired a personal assistant who will be my co-author from now on....my husband Luca. I am sure you will notice the difference in the postings ;) but I will also make a tag with his name so you know who is posting.

I hope you will enjoy his posts. He will say hi later the day.


Queer Heaven said...

Well Nicky,
I know what yu mean about time to blog. That is why I have opted to post only once a day.
I look forward to seeing Luca's posts.
Oh.... Luca is adorable!


Will miss you, Nick, but looking forward to seeing what Luca posts! Hugs, Patrick

Adam said...

oi the Lucci is here...^^

Rebecca said...

will miss you but I adore Luca so it's ok give him a hug for me and tell him i look forward to stalking him and his work..hehe

Luca said...

thanks Becca :* hope u will like what I post.

and yes Adamski, you won't get rid of me :P

Double Decaf said...

Oh my there is a difference in what Luca posts!

Miss Sunshine said...

It is what it is Nic, hope you get a break soon. While it will be fun with Luca here, you will be missed. ♥ ya both :* CJ